U.S. Cyber Programs
We utilize our primary SME cyber underwriting expertise and longstanding relationships with MGAs to offer best-in-class support for cyber SME products.
We offer coverage within SME, extortion, data breach, cybercrime, and service interruption.
With insight into multiple risk portfolios, we work closely with claims adjusters and incident response specialists.
As capacity tightens within the cyber market, alternative solutions are required. AM RE provides a tailored approach to this class of business.

As cyber grows in appetite, premium, and market share, it’s an exciting time to look at how specialized reinsurance solutions can support a growing market space, with huge potential for increased capacity.
Mandy Barder, Cyber Underwriter
Solutions to today’s market challenges such as adaptive proprietary software and efficient, cradle to grave claims handling.
Excellent risk spread in both geography and class. creating increased predictability.
Advanced underwriting and in-house claims management leading to efficient management of loss ratios and ultimate combined ratios.
With proven cyber MGA’s who are flexible and possess strong integrity.